Total Eclipse of the Sun, February 26 '98
Photographs by Fred Espenak

"Diamond Ring", just before Second Contact.

Solar Chromosphere and Prominences, just after Second Contact.

Solar Corona, during Totality.

Solar Chromosphere and Prominences, just before Third Contact.

All images are ©1998 by Fred Espenak, used here with his permission.

Location: Oranjestad, Aruba (Lat. 12° 32' N, Lon. 70° 2' W, 0m ASL).
Local times (UTC - 4hrs.):
Eclipse started: 12:38:34 (First Contact, Alt. 69°)
Totality started: 14:09:48 (Second Contact)
Center of Totality: 14:11:21 (Alt. 61°)
End of Totality: 14:12:54 (Third Contact)
End of Eclipse: 15:35:52 (Fourth Contact, Alt. 44°)
Duration of Totality: 3 min. 6 sec.

Link to Fred Espenak's Report of the 1998 Total Solar Eclipse

Updated: March 17 '98

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