Entry, Descent, and Landing Schematic

In the above graphic you can see the Mars Pathfinder Entry, Descent, and Landing Schematic.

Sequence of Events:

Separation of Cruise Stage and Entry Capsule:
07/04/97 16:32:28 UTC: Cruise Stage Separation 8,500 km from the Surface of Mars


07/04/97 16:38:39 UTC: Earth Rise on Landing Site
07/04/97 17:02:28 UTC: Nominal Entry Point 130 km above Mars
07/04/97 17:03:39 UTC: Nominal Time of Peak Atmospheric Heating
07/04/97 17:03:49 UTC: Nominal Time of Peak Deceleration

Parachute Descent:

07/04/97 17:05:09 UTC: Nominal Time of Parachute Deployment
07/04/97 17:05:29 UTC: Nominal Time of Heat Shield Separation
07/04/97 17:05:59 UTC: Nominal Time of Lander Separation
07/04/97 17:06:56 UTC: Approximate Time-Radar Altimeter Ground Acquisition - 1 mile above the ground

Airbag Deployment:

07/04/97 17:07:08 UTC: Approximate Time of Air Bags Inflation

Rocket Assisted Descent (RAD):

07/04/97 17:07:12 UTC: Approximate Time of Solid Rocket Ignition


07/04/97 17:07:14 UTC: Approximate Time of Bridle Cut
07/04/97 17:07:16 UTC: Approximate Time of First Impact
07/04/97 17:08:14 UTC: Approximate Time of Roll Stop

Landing Module Deployment:

07/04/97 17:09 UTC: Approximate Time Air Bag Retraction Begins
07/04/97 18:00 UTC: Approximate Time Air Bag Retraction Complete
07/04/97 18:21 - 19:22 UTC: Approximate Time Petal Opening Complete
07/04/97 20:50 UTC: Sunrise at Landing Site
07/04/97 21:09 UTC: First Information Received at Earth

Rover "Sojourner" Deployment:

07/05/97 01:00 UTC: Rover Ramp Deployment
07/05/97 03:58 UTC: Rover Deployment
07/05/97 04:24 - 05:26 UTC: Rover on Mars Image, B&W 360 Pan
07/05/97 05:30 UTC: Sunset at Landing Site
07/05/97 07:00 - 08:00 UTC: Rover on Mars, B&W 360 Pan Images Available?

Venezuelan Time = UTC - 4:30 hrs.

Updated: July 3 '97

Best seen with MS Internet Explorer.

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